Exotic Pets

Your Exotic Pet Vet in Nambour

Treating Unique Critters

Are you the proud pet parent of an exotic animal? If so, All Animal Veterinary Services is here to help. Different vets have an active interest in exotic species. Call the clinic and we can help assist with allocating the right vet for your exotic pet. We examine and treat guinea pigs, pet rats, mice and reptiles. 

From minor surgeries to treatment for illness or injury, we provide a full range of services to help ensure your pet’s wellbeing. Book an appointment at our Nambour clinic on (07) 5441 2355 —let us help keep your loving companion healthy and happy! We also provide emergency care, ultrasounds, dentistry, consultations, pre-export work and more for patients all over the Sunshine Coast. 

Injured or ill Wildlife Care

At All Animal Veterinary Services, we understand the important role wildlife plays in nature, and how essential it is to preserve our environment. To this end, we offer a free service for any injured or ill wildlife brought into our clinic. 

We will assess the animal’s condition, before either providing treatment or referring them on to appropriate carers. For any wildlife able to be rehabilitated, they will be handed to Eumundi Wildlife and Wilvo carers for convalescence and eventual release. Anything requiring in-depth treatment is transferred to Australia Zoo.

By doing our part, we can help ensure that our native wildlife continues to thrive in a safe and healthy environment. So, if you come across an injured or ill creature in need of help, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What animals are considered exotic pets?

    Generally, exotic pets refer to animals that are not typically kept as domestic pets such as guinea pigs, pet rats and mice, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

  • What types of veterinary services can exotic pets receive?

    Exotic pet veterinary services can include examinations, treatments such as desexing and other minor surgeries and referrals to specialist clinics if necessary.

  • What do I do if I come across ill or injured wildlife?

    We offer a free service to any injured or ill wildlife. Initially, such animals are examined and assessed by us, then treated if necessary. Those able to be rehabilitated are handed on to Wilvo carers for convalescence and release back into their natural surroundings.

  • What study does an exotic pet vet have to complete?

    Exotic pet vets usually have additional qualifications beyond a basic veterinary degree, such as postgraduate diplomas in exotic animal medicine and surgery. They are specially trained to provide high-level healthcare for exotic pets.

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